
2024/01/10 一起用AI



格式就是:answer the question +问题+in ielts format ,比如图上的例子,当ai的回复出来后,我们把重要部分背一下就行了,即:my favorite color is blue because it reminds me of the ocean and the sky,which are both calming and beautiful.

切记,part1以简洁为主,不能太简单只有yes or no,也不能太长,差不多一两句话加个例子就OK了。

part 2的话就简单了,直接把你的问题发过去就行,比如这个问题



There are many interesting old people in the world, but one person that stands out in my mind is my neighbor, Mr. Johnson. He is a retired professor and has lived in the same house for over 50 years.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Johnson for the past few years since I moved into the neighborhood. He is a friendly and outgoing person who is always happy to chat with anyone who crosses his path. Mr. Johnson has a very sharp mind and is incredibly knowledgeable about many different subjects.

Whenever I visit him, we spend hours talking about a variety of topics, including history, literature, and current events. He always has something interesting to say and is full of fascinating stories and insights. Additionally, he has a great sense of humor and is always ready to share a joke or a funny anecdote.

What I find most interesting about Mr. Johnson is his passion for learning and his continued curiosity about the world around him. Despite his age, he is always reading new books and keeping up with the latest news and trends. He has a genuine love for knowledge and is eager to share it with others.

In conclusion, Mr. Johnson is an incredibly interesting old person due to his sharp mind, extensive knowledge, great sense of humor, and love of learning. I feel lucky to have him as my neighbor and friend, and I always leave our conversations feeling inspired and enriched.


part 3可以说是ai最擅长的了,一般深度高,举个例子:


这个就是雅思p3中:which one is more efficient, newspaper advertising or online advertising?的答案

